Treatments provided by Rina Agrawal

Dr Agrawal offers a range of tailored infertility and IVF treatments to help private patients experiencing fertility problems. 

Initial consultations with Dr Rina Agrawal are £225, with follow up consultations and pelvic scans costing £200.

Treatments, operations and tests

Assisted Hatching was developed because it was found that embryos which have a thinner shell had a higher rate of implantation. To give the embryo's a better chance of the embryo "hatching" a small hole is peirced in the shell, which gives higher rates of implantation.
Dilation (or dilatation) and curettage (D&C) refers to the dilation (widening/opening) of the cervix and surgical removal of part of the lining of the uterus and/or contents of the uterus by scraping and scooping (curettage). It is a therapeutic gynecological procedure as well as a rarely used method of first trimester abortion.D&C normally is referred to a procedure involving a curette, also called sharp curettage.[1] However, some sources use the term D&C to refer more generally to any procedure that involves the processes of dilation and removal of uterine contents.
Donor Insemination follows the rules of IUI but donor sperm is used. The sperms from the donors are screened and any sperms which carry genetic disorders or STDs can be removed.
The Eeva Test is designed to improve in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes by providing clinicians and patients with objective information that will enable them to predict embryo viability. The ground-breaking Eeva Test uses software to measure key scientifically and clinically validated cell-division parameters from video images. It is the first and only non-invasive IVF test clinically proven to improve the accuracy of selecting embryos that will likely grow to the blastocyst stage, a critical milestone in embryo development.
An ectopic pregnancy, or eccysis, is a complication of pregnancy in which the pregnancy implants outside the uterine cavity. [1] With rare exceptions, ectopic pregnancies are not viable. Furthermore, they are dangerous for the mother, internal bleeding being a common complication. Most ectopic pregnancies occur in the Fallopian tube (so-called tubal pregnancies), but implantation can also occur in the cervix, ovaries, and abdomen. An ectopic pregnancy is a potential medical emergency, and, if not treated properly, can lead to death.
Vitrification, or egg freezing, allows for easy, long term egg storage. It is most useful for those who wish to preserve eggs for later use or those worried about the loss of the ovaries.
Laparoscopy allows a surgeon to view the internal organs of the pelvis without requiring major surgery. A very small cut is made in the wall of the abdomen and an instrument (laparoscope) like a telescope is inserted to view the organs. The procedure is minimally invasive (general anesthesia makes it almost painless), and most patients are discharged a few hours after the surgery.
Spare embryos from IVF treatment can be frozen for use in the future depending on the strength of the embryos. This means that if you ever want to conceive more children there are already perfect embryos ready for you.
IVF is the process in which eggs are fertilised by sperms outside the body, which explains the meaning of In Vitro "In Glass". The procedure includes hormonally controlling the ovulation to extract eggs at the correct time. After the eggs are fertilised they are moved into the paitents uterus.
In-vitro fertilisation is the practice of fertilising eggs outside the body, using either gametes provided by the patients or by donors. IVF can be used to allow a couple to conceive even when they are infertile or conception is otherwise impeded. IVF as a technique can be highly tailored to an individual's needs though for female donors some form of hormone therapy is usually required.
ICSI is one of the IVF procedures which is mostly inplace to help the male factors of infertility. The procedure includes selecting one of the strongest sperms and injecting it into the egg for definate fertilisation.
Stimulated IUI is one of the procedures which is able to battle against "unexplained infertility". This includes an artificial induction of the ovulation which is comined with the correctley timed insemination to fertilise an egg.
Unstimulated IUI is more or less exactley the same as Stimulated IUI but with certain factors missing. The procedure is more or less the same but all it dosent include is stimulation to the ovarian. This procedure also reduces the risk of multiple pregnancy.
Ovarian cystectomy is performed in those benign conditions of the ovary in which a cyst can be removed and when it is desirable to leave a functional ovary in place. This is particularly true in women of reproductive age. Therefore, if it is technically feasible and where one is assured that there is no malignant tissue present, it is best to perform an ovarian cystectomy in preference to oophorectomy.
Surgical sperm retrieval is used in men who have no sperm in their ejaculate or no ejaculate. This is done by taking sperm or tissues from the testicles.