Shashank Gurjar

Consultant Colorectal & Laparoscopic Surgeon

Accreditation and insurance

Shashank Gurjar is an accredited consultant for the following hospitals, clinics and groups...

Treatments, operations and tests

  • Abdomen examination by camera (laparoscopy)
  • Anal fistula repair
  • Appendix removal
  • Bowel cancer screen
  • Colon examination by camera
  • Colon polyp removal
  • Colonoscopy
  • Endoscopy (Upper GI)
  • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
  • Haemorrhoid injection
  • Haemorrhoid treatment (HAL-RAR)
  • Haemorrhoids or piles removal
  • Hernia repair (epigastric)
  • Hernia repair (femoral)
  • Hernia repair (inguinal)
  • Hernia repair (Laparocscopic Incisional)
  • Hernia repair (umbilical)
  • Hernia Repair - Groin (Inguinal) - Open surgery
  • Hernia Repair - Groin (Inguinal) -Laparascopic (Keyhole Surgery)
  • MRI scan: Virtual colonoscopy
  • Neck cyst removal
  • Oesophagus and stomach examination by endoscope (gastroscopy)
  • Partial removal of colon/rectum
  • Pilonidal sinus surgery
  • Removal of part of the bowel or colon
  • Skin lesion removal (Cryotherapy)
  • Tear in anus (anal fissure) repair
  • Toe nail removal

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